
Friday, February 25, 2011

Take Your Wife to Work Day

For my investigative journalism class, I went on a field trip to the state capital. When my class arrived, I felt like a little school girl at my dad's work. "My husband works here!" I snickered to some of my friends in the class. On our way to an appropriations meeting, I scoped out the best route to Jeff's office and made my devious escape plan. Halfway through the meeting, I made a run for it. The echo of my tall boots on the tile gave away my every step, but still I made it! 
I found Jeff in the office with Rep. Bill Wright and I talked with them for a while.  With Jeff I enjoyed the amenity of free soda pop.
I had so much fun on my class field trip to the capital that I decided to institute a take your wife to work day! A few days later I shadowed Jeff at work. We watched a bill pass through the house and another through a house committee, and I loved listening to the debates. It's official, this is an annual (semi-annual? weekly?) thing.

In the house with Rep. Bill Wright